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Showing posts from September, 2008

Social Networking, YoVille and Facebook.

I'm being playing around with the Social Network Application YoVille at Facebook , and it is really interesting how one million plus people play this game. The game was recently buyed by Zinga Inc and every day there is more and more people who decided to interact only trough a computer. Games are only an example of the future of social interaction for our current and next generations. The question is: What is this related to me? Well, I decided to build inside YoVille, a church... The game is for people to buy stuff and decorate their houses, but will all the stuff they sale there people has been creative enough to do more than decoration, so using the same elements they build a different kind of rooms to chat with others, so I created a Multisite Campus... (With chairs and a large screen) to talk to the YoVillians about our Internet Campus ( ) at Flamingo Road Church ... I'm not sure how is going to end... but at least will be fun. I'll be sharing


Today I start reading a good Book: Groundswell, a book about winning in a world transformed by social technologies. A well explained web 2.0 that allow the reader to understand how to infiltrate onto the social networks on the Internet with the existing tools and the future of the marketing worldwide. At least, the two first chapters, are keeping me on the book... The authors are Charlene Li and Josh Bernoff. My first question is: How do you write a book with the help of someone else? One of the principles at Flamingo Road Church is collaboration and is about being able to do, really do, team work. Pastor Troy Gramling is always challenging us to don't give up on the first idea we got, even when it sounds awesome or great... and in order to being able to write a "team" book you have to be open minded and able to discard some times what we thing is a great idea, seeking the next level.