Memorial day was a perfect opportunity to have some family time at the Beach, so I planned a trip to the Cays, depart @ 6:00 a.m., drive, have fun, and so for... but... everyone wanted to sleep a little more... so my older princess were awake almost at noon... so instead of the Cays we went to Las Olas and anyway we had a great family time... a little time at the beach, a little time walking, a little time having fun a nice dinner, even our brand new dog Missy had fun with us…
Even we started the day late, we did not waste the morning. At this point, for them the Idea of a nice rest day is to wake up late and avoid any complex activity, but I believe we can change that. One of the values we live at Flamingo and we are learning as family is: Potential. Is this the best I can do? Going early to the Gym is one way to reach our physical potential, help us to create endorphins, to be on better shape and weight... so I Dora and I went to the YMCA to sign in as family and during Summer time going on the mornings as family, and after that, plan our day... We as parents have two choices: One, we can leave our girls to grow just like that... doing whatever they believe is best for them, or we can encourage and push them to reach their God's potential. The second choice implicates effort, commitment and money... but it will provide a better future to our Girls! What do you are willing to sacrifice to the future of people you love?
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