Last night was the BIG night, the culmination of several months of preparation, rehearsals, work, reviews and more… from the beginning to the end, the party with an 201 guests attendance was a complete success, my daughter was plenty of happiness… all night she smiled and enjoyed every single minute, from the waltz to the after party, the dinner, the amenity, the music, the lights, the band, the DJ… everything was “perfect”. She started dancing a traditional vienes walts “The Skaters” and after that a beautiful praise song “Thanks”. After that, I got the opportunity to gave a little speech about decision, based on the book of proverbs… I hope she will always think twice before to make a decision, a very special and emotive words from her family also were there… then after all the emotions and tears, the party continued with two contemporary dances, she performed a kind of “tango” (That’s how they called) and to finish her dance a Hip-Hop dance surrounded by her “Chambelanes”. After that a great dinner, I couldn’t resist the Microphone temptation and I sang a couple of songs... finally, the band performed music, fun and entertainment until 3:00 a.m. so we continued the party at Alex’s house until 7:00 a.m. time to sleep…. I really believe that the key for success in life, is to be a good manager; To manage your time as well as other’s time; to manage your emotions and your tongue, to manage your economy and to make a good planning as well as a good follow up of your plans… to be disciplined but more than anything, being always faithful in God!
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