It's funny, I started my day with Romans 12, later on my pastor had a meeting with the lead team sharing the same chapter, and two people more called me today about the same scripture... Is God talking to me? I think so. I’m on the middle of a complex moving process, so I have to store all my stuff, and in a few days I'll be moving in to a new place. It is really complex to move out! Why? We carry a lot of things in life, and many times unnecessary objects. At this point I and my beloved are reevaluating what to keep and what to discard, and Paul said on Romans 12:2 that we have to renew our understanding, discarding what is useless, keeping the functional and opening space for what is coming new. If we keep a bunch of unnecessary possessions, at some point we'll be with no capability to acquire new something, you name it. I needed to have a POD (Portable on Demand Storage) to move out, and to store my furniture while I'm able to move in onto a new place. I'll take a detailed look on the things we are storing, as well as I'll review what things in my life have become obsolete. There are days funnier than others. BTW... isn't incredible that is only one person required to move that huge container? LOL
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