The way you start your new year reflects what to expect for your whole year, so with my beloved one, we took a look on my teens bedroom and all can I said, it needed urgent intervention, in fact I had a picture I took one day they were on a run and left the room completely messed up and we decided to do something to encourage them to experience one of our ethos about environment. So we went to Ikea to get a Swedish

meatballs breakfast to have some inspiration and while we walked on the store, we decided to do an X-treme make over for my daughters. They were at a friend's house, recovering from the new year celebration so the timing was perfect to do it. I remembered Tania once told us she wanted some kind of black and red colors and we start looking, thinking, choosing, and to make a long story short, we expended all day choosing even the small details. We also found that my car is able to carry on more than I though... after we finished I went to pick up Paulina and Tania. Everything was ready... when they walked in to their room they were really surprised... that, is a way to start 2008.
How important is to be surrounded by a nice environment, it will allow you to awake your creativity, to think, be inspired or even just to relax and enjoy.
PAAAAAA!!! MUCHISIMAS qracias por el cuartoooo me encantoo.urr the bestttt. iL0VEEEEEEYUUUUUU thnk youu soo muchhhhh.
Environment is one of our values! Thanks for putting some skin on it & helping us see what its all about. Peace!
Gotta love IKEA