God gave to our Leader a vision to reach people all over the world to partner with them to reach their God's potential and to be “One church where you are"
Today, at our staff meeting, Troy, my pastor, shared the story of Jonathan and his armor bearer, about trust, vision, faith and direction. On the previous ministry I worked for, my pastor named me his “armor bearer”, and every one knowed me by that surename. I walked side by side with him, just like Sancho with “El Quijote”, being supportive until God moved me to FRC. Now while Troy shared with us 1 Samuel 14, I understood more precisely what means to be an armor bearer; All of us are at some point “Sanchos”, because we all are at some point followers of some one else’s dream, then we take that dream and get it for ourselves to be our own dream. At that point, we become leaders who will share the vision to other Sanchos that hopefully some day will become leaders too. Here are some questions in the air: What are you following? What is the vision you believe in? Are you willing to give your best to that vision? Will you trust your leader? I want to be… an armor bearer.
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