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Some weekends I expended with my grandma Martha, she told me few of the Aesop's Fables, and I particularly remember a short one;

The Ants and the Grasshopper.

The ants were spending a fine winter's day drying grain collected in the summertime. A Grasshopper, perishing with famine, passed by and earnestly begged for a little food. The Ants inquired of him, "Why did you not treasure up food during the summer?' He replied, "I had not leisure enough. I passed the days in singing." They then said in derision: "If you were foolish enough to sing all the summer, you must dance supperless to bed in the winter."

I always thought: “Those are mean ants”, but the true is that we have to be awake in order to reach our God’s potential. The entire series of Antology where based on a Bible Verse:

Proverbs 6: 9-11 ESV 9 How long will you lie there, O sluggard? When will you arise from your sleep? 10 A little sleep, a little slumber, a little folding of the hands to rest, 11 and poverty will come upon you like a robber, and want like an armed man.

It is so sad to awake and found that you where robbed… I was reflecting on my own life, thinking of my past, and about how many times I fell to sleep on many areas of my living. One day I was getting married, full of dreams and ideals… and soon I was seeking for financial success but I fell to sleep on some other areas of my life, my family life, my personal growth, and one day I awaked and found my self robbed: My marriage destroyed, my dreams gone and a selfish man trying to please the people around, insecure, immature, repeating behavior patterns I hated while I was a kid and I promised to myself never to repeat. The awakening was painful, sad. Once I was conscious, I found that I also slept on some other areas… and finally took me to complete crash, familiar, emotional, financial. My marriage ended on a divorce, and I star falling on an eddy that drove me deep in to drugs and alcohol… from then… long story short. I reached the border of life, planning to put an end to everything. All I did… was wrong… at least it was my thought… I just fell like the Grasshopper of the Aesop’s tale… knocking at the ants door.

This is the moment I found the love and the Grace of God, and he gave me a new life, a new opportunity and a new life perspective, and not because I founded I’m being awake, I’m fallen again sleeping, but doing life with others, I found that God uses people around me to keep me awake. Last Sunday’s Troy teaching closing the Antology series, gave me a complete new perspective in life. Be awake, seek for all the areas of your life, and being alert will assist you when the robbers arrive, they will, but this time I’ll be awake, will you?


  1. primo
    me encanto lo que escribes pues estas compartiendo desde tu experiencia y eso hace muy rica la lectura. Te felicito por esto que haces y gracias por dar de tí mismo a los demás.
    Un abrazo y
    exito, que ya lo tienes por ser tu mismo. Lizbeth Carrasco


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