One of my Birthday gift was two Red Lobster cards and I was waiting for the right moment to enjoy my number one favorite food... Maine lobster. So, today after a wedding I was driving back home with my beloved and she told me.. "I'm hungry" and I remember I got the two cards with me... and I ask her, "Do you want Lobster?" and she told me... hey... there is a Red Lobster... Ok... there was the time, the place... so I drove in and we had the opportunity to enjoy a late-birthday-gift. The moment was perfect, the companion great and the food... incredible delicious... Later on today, we attended as a couple to our church service with the message “There’s Always Tomorrow” with
Heather Palacios, talking about procrastination and how important it to remember how much today matters. I cried while I listen Heather's testimony and how one decision changed her life forever. I believe that many times I think right but I don't act immediately... The lunch with my beloved was incredible, because we don't waited... A Mexican popular phrase said "No dejes para mañana, lo que puedas hacer hoy" -Don't wait until tomorrow, to do what you can do today-
hasta se me antojo!! jaja!