Two weeks ago, Sol’s teacher told me that my daughter will be dismissed from Cheer Leading, because she was being disruptive, not participative, and was distracting others from doing their routines. My first thought was, “Ok, she don’t liked, I’ll take her out” but then I remembered something I just read on the book of Proverbs Chapter 10: (MSG)
“17 The road to life is a disciplined life; ignore correction and you're lost for good.”
Is not about to like or not to like… is about discipline. If I just leave her to act like that, she will learn that when she doesn’t like something, then she is free to do whatever she wants, so I talked to the teachers involved, I talked to Sol and explained to her what the right thing to do is. For the last two weeks she has been participative, disciplined and I think she is starting to like cheer leading… I observed today’s rehearsal and at this point, and as a Dad I can tell you this… I love my daughters… and I’m so proud of the effort she is now doing. Will she continue? Well, now is up to her. I’m done.
“17 The road to life is a disciplined life; ignore correction and you're lost for good.”
Is not about to like or not to like… is about discipline. If I just leave her to act like that, she will learn that when she doesn’t like something, then she is free to do whatever she wants, so I talked to the teachers involved, I talked to Sol and explained to her what the right thing to do is. For the last two weeks she has been participative, disciplined and I think she is starting to like cheer leading… I observed today’s rehearsal and at this point, and as a Dad I can tell you this… I love my daughters… and I’m so proud of the effort she is now doing. Will she continue? Well, now is up to her. I’m done.

Proverbs 22:6 (MSG) “Point your kids in the right direction— when they're old they won't be lost.”
I Like this. You are right; it is an example for me to see that you are following the wisdom of proverbs.