All my life I was lazy about exercise... I thought that I don’t needed but after few years I discover that even when I was skinny, really skinny, (if you don't believe me that's me at 22) and never had discipline practicing any exercise. When you are young, the wonderful body created by God, is able to support overloads, excesses, and laziness, but on your later years you will get the invoice of all of the “advances” and you have to pay it all soon or late (more soon than late). I’m being paying mine with interest. On my visit to my son we talked about one of the first books Troy Gramling recommended me: “Today Matters” by John Maxwell, and one of the subjects of our conversation was “The soonest you make a decision in your life, the longest impact it will have in yours”. I challenged him to start exercising at the Gym early on the morning, and then continue his every day life, and today we went together for the first time to the Gym. If he continues, he is getting a legacy that will impact his life quality on the future. By the way, if you haven’t read “Today Matters”, go for it… that book changed my life and will change yours :)
Thanks Arutro. I'm on my way to Borders after work to pick it up.