This weekend Garland’s message for the Antology series was “Today Matters” oh… and by the way, Today is Garland’s B-Day… (Happy Birthday Gar), and it was about to be prepared, it’s funny, I’m trying my daughters and my to read or at least try to listen the Maxwell’s book with the same name… why? Because is important to be prepared.

I’m sure if you watch this archived teaching when become available, you’ll agree with me how important is to be prepared, because every moment today will build the success for tomorrow. I’m sure this upcoming series will be not only successful, but also will touch many people’s heart, helping them to reach their God’s potential.

The interesting part, it was the sensation to be observed all our way… and we got some beta testers who helped all the way… Gala, from Barranquilla, Colombia, Douglas, from Weston, Paty, from Mexico City, Freddy from Kendall, Raul from Texas, Matt from Cooper City, Heredes from … ?... not sure… and some others sporadic viewers… I cannot wait next series to start… Can you?
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