I start praying for Lima, Peru and all the affected cities for this big catastrophe, is sad always to know about the life loses, and people injured. My prayers for all the people suffering and their families at Peru. I just remember 1985 in Mexico City, it was September the 19, at 7:18 a.m. I was getting ready to go to work when I feel a strong movement in my apartment, and after a very looong seconds, we loose power, and after that, several smoke columns emerged all around the city… the toll, more than 10,000 inhabitants where killed… there was a sad memory, I lost few friends on that cataclysm.
One thing I learned after that, during difficult times, is a great opportunity for mercy, unselfishness and other great fillings to bloom. That is no time to think who is more or less important, and it is also a great time to show compassion, and love for each other. After the tragedy, I listen to many great stories about courage, and I’m sure that we will listen to great stories after this sad event. My pastor just posted a great message on his blog http://troygramling.blogspot.com/2007/08/earthquake-in-perupray.html
Let's keep them in our prayers... If you would like to partner with Flamingo Road Church as we reach out to the spiritual and physical needs of Peru…please contact Raul Palacios for more information. We can make a difference if we work together…Your gifts and talents matter…
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