Finally, after several weeks of hard work, we have the new Beta site for FRC, on this new page will be easier to go and make changes, updates, colors. We have not the final graphic design yet, but the engine is running great!
Aside the website, I was thinking on our life, how we need to be updated often, just as Paul said on Romans 12:2, “2Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God's will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will.”
When we don’t apply this in our life, we become rusty, and from time to time, we become obsolete, and what is harder, we will be apart from God’s will. Now I’m starting to build a new update engine for my personal life, not only to update (renew) my mind, but to do it often and fast.
The Internet Campus is exposed to the most fast changing world, and in order to reach people all over the world we need to do it with a fresh and renewed mind, getting the inspiration from the creator of the Internet and all the things all over the universe… our edgy God!
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